Few doctrines are more difficult or more controversial than foreordination, election, and predestination—nor more misunderstood. Human beings fight against the idea that God makes choices that affect their lives, preferring to think of themselves as the captains of their destiny, sailing the ship of their life wherever free will chooses. God’s choices, however, incorporate man’s choices. God’s sovereignty works through man’s responsibility to infallibly accomplish God’s will and a person’s free choices. How does God do that? Come, study the Scriptures with me, and learn about God’s Choices.
The book is divided into four parts. Part one presents a brief background, a discussion of what really matters, definitions of certain terms, scriptures that define pertinent biblical words, and a brief analysis of those words in context. Part two is an explanation of God’s choices in foreordination, election, and predestination. Part three discusses man’s choices in relation to God’s sovereignty, man’s sin, and saving faith. Part four examines God’s and man’s choices in persevering faith and good works. The intent is to provide Bible students, Pastors, and teachers with an explanation of how God’s sovereignty is effected through God’s choices by working through man’s choices. Included are discussions of how sin creates culpability and inability in man, requiring God’s electing choice to effect man’s salvation. The book concludes with thoughts on how the doctrine of predestination affects man’s choices in exercising persevering faith with good works.