Jesus Said "I Am"


Jesus Christ made fourteen “I am” statements in the New Testament scriptures. This book is an explanation of those statements by way of an exegesis of the passages in which they occur.

The “I am” statements of Jesus are meant to communicate an important truth. Jesus Christ is the origin and source of that thing of which he is the “I am.” For example, as the bread he is the origin and source of fellowship with God. As “the way” he is the only means whereby a sinner is brought into a salvific relationship with God. As the genuine vine he is the origin and source of spiritual life and spiritual “fruit” in the believer.

This book is created from my commentaries on the New Testament books where the “I am” statements occur (Matthew; Luke, John, Revelation). Additional comments, such as on Exodus 3:2, 4, 14–15, have been added as seemed suitable. I created this book for the same reasons I created my books, The Parables and Miracles of Jesus Christ, and The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ out of my commentaries on the four gospels. There is a benefit to separating out significant parts of the gospel for focused study. May the reader discover that benefit in this book.

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