Genre – A modern speculative mystery, of natural menace.
It is worth noting, that a number of issues in this story, have been inspired by actual events and mirror recent headline reports featured in both the tabloid and broadsheet papers. The scenario therefore, is but a step away from actually happening. A work of fiction…? Well maybe. But the simple notion at the core of this book is so plausible; it would be easy for the reader to assume, that one day… it will happen!
Therefore, as humanity eases its way into world domination, interference on the natural order is inevitable. On the grand scale, there is global warming but at a local level, who knows what those effects might be. For the small Dorset town in this story though, it results in ‘left field’ consequences taking its community, completely unawares.
Un-natural Selection By James Donnelly
Poor Common is an insignificant patch of scrub and woodland. Its geography typical of cities and towns through out the UK and encroached by humanity in all its forms: roads, houses – people. Like many open spaces, it is a welcome pocket of green in an expanding urban environment and seemingly of little consequence. However, the disappearance of a young child from a house with direct access to this tiny swathe catapults it to global interest.
The Police on the whole are convinced they have their man; a modern monster hiding within the fabric of society. Proof though is the problem for Inspector Patrick Stimpson. A solid copper and naturally suspicious, he is totally unprepared for the reality check that would later be inflicted upon him.
Twenty seven year old Tony Nash, Forest Ranger, self confessed outdoorsman, tanned and gently weathered, has his own problems. With a good working knowledge of what to expect from the relatively benign local wildlife, he is increasingly concerned as disquieting rumours about animals being clinically predated upon, become reality.
The conclusions he draws are ominously disturbing, and not just for the local residents. Long term, the potential repercussions would be devastating to the natural order of this green and pleasant island we call home. With so much at stake, why is he reluctant to come forward?
As the media stirs up Tony’s past, the two men eventually cross-swords; the Ranger, relegated to near nutter status by the Inspector, is equally contemptuous. However, in an effort to unlock the secret of Poor Common, they must form an unlikely alliance.