Wait, What?
And Life's Other Essential Questions
James E. Ryan
- New
- York
- Times
- Bestseller“What,
- What?
- is
- a
- welcome—and
- joyful—reminder
- that
- true
- wisdom
- comes
- from
- asking
- the
- right
- questions.
- Should
- you
- read
- this
- book?
- Absolutely.”**—**Clayton
- Christensen,
- bestselling
- author
- of
- How
- Will
- You
- Measure
- Your
- Life?Based
- on
- the
- wildly
- popular
- commencement
- address,
- the
- art
- of
- asking
- (and
- answering)
- good
- questions
- by
- the
- Dean
- of
- Harvard
- University’s
- Graduate
- School
- of
- Education.Whether
- we’re
- in
- the
- boardroom
- or
- the
- classroom,
- we
- spend
- far
- too
- much
- time
- and
- energy
- looking
- for
- the
- right
- answer.
- But
- the
- truth
- is
- that
- questions
- are
- just
- as
- important
- as
- answers,
- often
- more
- so.
- If
- you
- ask
- the
- wrong
- question,
- for
- instance,
- you’re
- guaranteed
- to
- get
- the
- wrong
- answer.
- A
- good
- question,
- on
- the
- other
- hand,
- inspires
- a
- good
- answer
- and,
- in
- the
- process,
- invites
- deeper
- understanding
- and
- more
- meaningful
- connections
- between
- people.
- Asking
- a
- good
- question
- requires
- us
- to
- move
- beyond
- what
- we
- think
- we
- know
- about
- an
- issue
- or
- a
- person
- to
- explore
- the
- difficult
- and
- the
- unknown,
- the
- awkward,
- and
- even
- the
- unpleasant.In
- Wait,
- What?,
- Jim
- Ryan,
- dean
- of
- Harvard
- University’s
- Graduate
- School
- of
- Education,
- celebrates
- the
- art
- of
- asking—and
- answering—good
- questions.
- Five
- questions
- in
- particular:
- Wait,
- what?;
- I
- wonder…?
- Couldn’t
- we
- at
- least…?;
- How
- can
- I
- help?;
- and
- What
- truly
- matters?
- Using
- examples
- from
- politics,
- history,
- popular
- culture,
- and
- social
- movements,
- as
- well
- as
- his
- own
- personal
- life,
- Ryan
- demonstrates
- how
- these
- essential
- inquiries
- generate
- understanding,
- spark
- curiosity,
- initiate
- progress,
- fortify
- relationships,
- and
- draw
- our
- attention
- to
- the
- important
- things
- in
- life—from
- the
- Supreme
- Court
- to
- Fenway
- Park.
- By
- regularly
- asking
- these
- five
- essential
- questions,
- Ryan
- promises,
- we
- will
- be
- better
- able
- to
- answer
- life’s
- most
- important
- question:
- “And
- did
- you
- get
- what
- you
- wanted
- out
- of
- life,
- even
- so?”
- At
- once
- hilarious
- and
- illuminating,
- poignant
- and
- surprising,
- Wait,
- What?
- is
- an
- inspiring
- book
- of
- wisdom
- that
- will
- forever
- change
- the
- way
- you
- think
- about questions.
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