Your Symphony of Selves
Discover and Understand More of Who We Are
James Fadiman, Ph.D. ; Mr. Jordan Gruber
- Why
- you
- are
- a
- different
- you
- at
- different
- times
- and
- how
- that’s
- both
- normal
- and
- healthy•
- Reveals
- that
- each
- of
- us
- is
- made
- up
- of
- multiple
- selves,
- any
- of
- which
- can
- come
- to
- the
- forefront
- in
- different
- situations•
- Offers
- examples
- of
- healthy
- multiple
- selves
- from
- psychology,
- neuroscience,
- pop
- culture,
- literature,
- and
- ancient
- cultures
- and
- traditions•
- Explores
- how
- to
- harmonize
- our
- selves
- and
- learn
- to
- access
- whichever
- one
- is
- best
- for
- a
- given
- situationOffering
- groundbreaking
- insight
- into
- the
- dynamic
- nature
- of
- personality,
- James
- Fadiman
- and
- Jordan
- Gruber
- show
- that
- each
- of
- us
- is
- comprised
- of
- distinct,
- autonomous,
- and
- inherently
- valuable
- “selves.”
- They
- also
- show
- that
- honoring
- each
- of
- these
- selves
- is
- a
- key
- to
- improved
- ways
- of
- living,
- loving,
- and
- working.Explaining
- that
- it
- is
- normal
- to
- have
- multiple
- selves,
- the
- authors
- offer
- insights
- into
- why
- we
- all
- are
- inconsistent
- at
- times,
- allowing
- us
- to
- become
- more
- accepting
- of
- the
- different
- parts
- of
- who
- we
- and
- other
- people
- are.
- They
- explore,
- through
- extensive
- reviews,
- how
- the
- concept
- of
- healthy
- multiple
- selves
- has
- been
- supported
- in
- science,
- popular
- culture,
- spirituality,
- philosophy,
- art,
- literature,
- and
- ancient
- traditions
- and
- cite
- well-known
- people,
- including
- David
- Bowie
- and
- Beyoncé,
- who
- describe
- accessing
- another
- self
- at
- a
- pivotal
- point
- in
- their
- lives
- to
- resolve
- a
- pressing
- challenge.Instead
- of
- seeing
- the
- existence
- of
- many
- selves
- as
- a
- flaw
- or
- pathology,
- the
- authors
- reveal
- that
- the
- healthiest
- people,
- mentally
- and
- emotionally,
- are
- those
- that
- have
- naturally
- learned
- to
- appreciate
- and
- work
- in
- harmony
- with
- their
- own
- symphony
- of
- selves.
- They
- identify
- “the
- Single
- Self
- Assumption”
- as
- the
- prime
- reason
- why
- the
- benefits
- of
- having
- multiple
- selves
- has
- been
- ignored.
- This
- assumption
- holds
- that
- we
- each
- are
- or
- ought
- to
- be
- a
- single
- consistent
- self,
- yet
- we
- all
- recognize,
- in
- reality,
- that
- we
- are
- different
- in
- different
- situations.Offering
- a
- pragmatic
- approach,
- the
- authors
- show
- how
- you
- can
- prepare
- for
- situations
- by
- shifting
- to
- the
- appropriate
- self,
- rather
- than
- being
- “switched”
- or
- “triggered”
- into
- a
- sub-optimal
- part
- of
- who
- you
- are.
- They
- also
- show
- how
- recognizing
- your
- selves
- provides
- increased
- access
- to
- skills,
- talent,
- and
- creativity;
- enhanced
- energy;
- and
- improved
- healing
- and
- pain
- management.
- Appreciating
- your
- diverse
- selves
- will
- give
- you
- more
- empathy
- toward
- yourself
- and
- others.
- By
- harmonizing
- your
- symphony
- of
- selves,
- you
- can
- learn
- to
- be
- “in
- the
- right
- mind
- at
- the
- right
- time”
- more often.
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