- The
- Russian
- Revolution
- is
- breaking
- out
- around
- him,
- but
- Charlie
- Doig
- has
- a
- private
- war
- to
- fight.
- He
- is
- determined
- to
- track
- down
- and
- kill
- Prokhor
- Glebov,
- the
- Bolshevik
- who
- raped
- and
- tortured
- his
- wife,
- Elizaveta.
- Convinced
- that
- Glebov
- will
- sooner
- or
- later
- turn
- up
- at
- Lenin's
- side,
- he
- and
- Kobi,
- his
- Mongolian
- henchman,
- make
- their
- way
- to
- St.
- Petersburg.
- There,
- amidst
- the
- chaos
- of
- the
- Revolution,
- they
- discover
- that
- Glebov
- has
- been
- put
- in
- charge
- of
- the
- political
- re-education
- of
- the
- Tsar
- and
- his
- family.
- The
- chase
- begins...Having
- captured
- an
- armoured
- train,
- Charlie
- fights
- his
- way
- to
- Siberia
- with
- a
- motley
- army
- of
- recruits
- and
- a
- breathtaking
- adventure
- unfolds.
- With
- rumours
- of
- the
- Tsar's
- gold
- reserves
- nearby,
- Charlie
- resolves
- once
- he
- has
- revenged
- Elizaveta
- to
- attempt
- to
- seize
- a
- barge
- of
- gold
- from
- under
- the
- watchful
- eyes
- of
- four
- different armies.
pro-mbooks3 : libris