This story opens in Ireland with two sets of twins setting out for America. The females, Nellie and Molly McCarthy, from County Cork become nurses, where they meet and charm Abraham Lincoln. The males, cousins of Phillip Sheridan,immigrate from County Cavan—Matt Smith to the Confederacy, Brian Smith to Philadelphia. Matt serves as a scout for JEB Stuart, while Brian joins the Irish Brigade. Cleburne (The Stonewall of the West),in advocating that Blacks join the Confederate Army, plays a role the reader will not likely forget. Dennis O'Kane and Patrick O'Rorke excel at Gettysburg. Sheridan shows why Grant considers him the equal of the greatest generals in history. Matt Smith rescues Jerry McCarthy, brother of the twins, from Andersonville Prison and as the reader. If you're Irish-American or a Civil War buff, this is the novel for you. might expect, the two sets of twins marry. A great read and fantastic reference book.