These 20 Chuck Tales are about the adventures of a woodchuck named Chuck and his animal and human friends. Chuck is clever, curious and adventurous; dislikes braggarts and bullies and has a weakness for clover.
His adventures range from surfing down a stream; outracing a rabbit; crashing a picnic with a skunk; making friends with fireflies; chucking wood; being mistaken for a ghost; bridge building; foiling bullies in summer and winter; diving into a school cafeteria salad bowl; hiking; foiling a cave monster; flying with crows, with bats and in a magical golden shoe; meeting Paul Bunyon; saving Batman and more. Chuck is one unusual and funny little woodchuck.
Chuck started as one of many stuffed animals on my son’s bed who? found their way into bedtime stories. Chuck developed a personality and became the center of the Tales. After a while, we vied to dream up new adventures for him.
Decades later I am telling the Tales to my Grandson, who is giving me ideas for new stories, three of which are included.
I have enjoyed creating them and telling (and retelling) them. I hope you and your children enjoy them too, and maybe make up some new ones of your own. Some suggestions for creating your own animal stories are at the back of the book.