Network marketing is real. It is the 21st Century industry that has limitless opportunities for people who are not happy with their employers. In this industry there is no retirement and there is no salary. it is an industry with income. There are many network marketing companies in America, the parental home of the industry, and there are many more elsewhere. You are free to choose the best for you.
Teaching is one job you can combine with network marketing and you will not have a problem with your employer. Daisy has proved it in this story that you should not miss.
James Kemoli Amata is a 1976 University of Nairobi Bachelor of Education graduate and now a retired secondary school teacher of Kiswahili. He is a Preventive Health Care Network Marketer and farmer-like author whose other books include:- HIGHLY REGRETTED: An autobiography of a bad teacher; Kisa cha Zahara Mage; Before and After Your Wedding; KEEP ON SCRATING! Or change by choice; Don’t Wait For The Government; ----