Adolescence and young adulthood is a period in everyone’s life laced with insecurities and uncertainties, even for those growing up in a supportive home environment. For decades, behavioral psychologists and sociologists have debated the topic of “nature vs. nurture”. This debate questions whether environment or genetic make-up has more influence on a child’s social development. From Tears to Triumph is a tale based in truth on one child’s coming of age story. This story highlights events in the author’s life which greatly influenced the paths chosen by himself and his brother, Joe. This is a story of conflict and overcoming the obstacles of adolescence while growing up in a very unstable home environment. This is a story of two brothers whose choices lead them down two very different paths.
The writer’s style will captivate you as you read through the events which shaped his life. The story’s colorful characters and events will seem incredible at times. These stories will take you back to your own childhood vulnerabilities, dreams, and antics. This emotional roller coaster of a story will have you crying and laughing as the author shares the events of his frenzied youth and how he chooses to rise beyond the chaos.