"Adrift" is a place many of us find ourselves in as the distractions of the world attempt to take our focus off Jesus. Satan finds a chink in our armor and aggressively wears at it until we either seek help from God or give in to temptation. If we give in, are we doomed to destruction? This question and many others are explored through scripture in Adrift in the Sea of Life. There are many ways to become adrift. A person can literally be lost at sea, or simply drift from day to day empty of purpose or direction. Both examples are used throughout this book to illustrate how God is with us in all situations regardless whether we chose to call on His name or not. There is nothing magical about seeking God nor are there any conditions for receiving redemption from the One who loved us so much that he bore our sins on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice. God loves you and He is always with you. All He asks is that we turn from our sinful nature and seek His face. Learn how others have stopped drifting and set their feet on solid ground.