We are the product of our (own) choices, we were told.
For long, we've been hammered on that life is inexorably about painful trade-offs. For this reason, it happens that we sacrifice the fun for our goals. We offer up our health on the alluring and demanding altar of success. Some other times, we even give up on personal dreams to content our parents and their choices. The list goes on.
However, should we keep undergoing "the Tyranny of 'Or' "? Should it [always] be the case, especially for women? What if Stacy doesn't want [anymore] to choose one thing to the expense of the other, but instead, desires to embrace "the Beauty of 'AND' "?
As the book unfolds, we are taken along, from one metropolis to another, across continents and timezones, in this humorous and heart-thumping story, beset with treason and disillusion, but not just.