Cloud Computing and Electronic Discovery
Reeks: Wiley CIO
James P. Martin ; Harry Cendrowski
- Explore
- the
- frontier
- of
- electronic
- discovery
- in
- the
- cloudCloud
- Computing
- and
- Electronic
- Discovery
- comprehensively
- covers
- the
- quickly-evolving
- realm
- of
- eDiscovery
- in
- cloud
- computing
- environments,
- a
- computing
- and
- legal
- frontier
- in
- which
- the
- rules
- and
- legal
- precedents
- are
- being
- developed
- anew
- seemingly
- by
- the
- day.
- The
- book
- delves
- into
- this
- fascinating
- and
- rapidly-developing
- topic
- to
- prepare
- fraud
- investigators,
- legal
- professionals,
- forensic
- accountants,
- and
- executives
- understand
- the
- ramifications
- of
- storing
- data
- with
- third
- party
- providers
- and
- how
- such
- storage
- mechanisms
- relate
- to
- the
- limits
- of
- discovery
- practices.This
- up-to-date
- resource
- also
- includes
- a
- complete
- discussion
- of
- the
- few
- existing
- legal
- precedents
- and
- current
- cases
- that
- are
- shaping
- interpretation
- of
- discovery
- laws
- in
- the
- cloud
- space,
- a
- perfect
- overview
- for
- executives
- storing
- their
- companies'
- data
- in
- the
- cloud
- and
- the
- legal
- professionals
- tasked
- with
- understanding
- and
- interpreting
- the
- discovery
- rules
- surrounding
- that
- data.
- The
- book
- is
- comprehensive
- in
- scope
- and
- includes:For
- business,
- accounting,
- and
- legal
- professionals,
- Cloud
- Computing
- and
- Electronic
- Discovery
- is
- an
- invaluable
- resource
- for
- understanding
- the
- nuanced
- development
- of
- cloud
- eDiscovery
- policies,
- practices,
- and
- law
- as
- they
- continue
- to
- unfold
- and develop.