YOU ARE THE POWER- deception is an understatement

The destiny of the world

Reeks: The destiny of the world


Welcome to the only book that truly allows you to take back your sovereign power as a human. Especially during this time now, a lot of people are wanting to know how to use the law, how we have been deceived, what can we do to get out of the deception and how to finally be 100% healthy: physically, mentally and emotionally. I show you how to truly LIVE and not merely exist. In this book I cover all of this, plus a LOT more. I have put my heart and soul into this book, and I am telling you, what I teach in this book WILL change your life. This is not opinion. In my book, I teach LAWS. Laws of nature. I start at the basic deceptions, and work my way up to subjects that truly will boggle your mind. Many books shed light on deception; but this will finally give the power back to humanity once and for all. I have made the narrative given to us from birth look stupid. The message in my book, needs to be shared, it is my sacred duty to share it. Come on, join me on a journey to the truth, a truth that has been with us since the dawn of time. Not many people realise that this time now is THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME EVER in humanities his-story. We are in a spiritual war, but I can see the light. We need to remember our true powers as a human, our freedom, our divine rights to live life as it is, not as we are told. Allow me to take you on a journey to the unknown, a journey to discover all and to re- discover the true essence which is LIFE.

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