The Crispin & Amina Series, #7
Reeks: The Crispin & Amina Series
Jamila Jasper
- A
- dark
- rival
- kidnaps
- the
- billionaire
- heir's
- girlfriend...And
- leaves
- behind
- a
- convincing
- fake
- good-bye
- note
- in
- her
- handwriting.Trapped
- in
- a
- castle
- far
- away
- from
- her
- boyfriend,
- under
- the
- thumb
- of
- a
- cruel
- monster...Amina
- faces
- the
- depths
- of
- trouble
- that
- come
- with
- her
- relationship
- to
- Crispin.If
- she
- wants
- to
- be
- with
- him
- again,She'll
- have
- to
- get
- stronger.She'll
- have
- to
- fight.This
- is
- the
- last
- book
- in
- Crispin
- &
- Amina's Series.
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