My name is Leslie Anne Brennemann. My biological mother, had been my aunt Dory until I was fourteen and my mom died. Suddenly she felt compelled to help me learn about my mom, and all the heroic things she accomplished, but in the process, I learned more about her. I finally understand why she did not raise me, why she went on benders and what possessed her to drink the way she did. She was on the same ship as my mom, except it was her job to save everyone.
Like me, she felt like a failure, like she just never fit in. The ship was destroyed and hundreds of people lost their lives. The first time she died, she magically appeared at the space station TS1, and she had to fight her way to get home. This is the story of my biological mother Dory, an undercover secret service agent on a mission to save a doomed space ship, how she met my mom, and how she ended up in the middle of nowhere, just like me.