10 Steps to Happiness

The key reason people are not happy is because they are not happy with themselves.

This is the foundation. If you do not unconditionally love yourself, then you will struggle to feel content in any aspect of your life.

10 Steps to Happiness takes you through a clear, quick and easy process to reduce stress and overwhelm, begin to accept yourself as you are and give yourself the love you seek, and to create more fulfilling connections with others.

I have been passionate about holistic health and personal growth for 30 years, yet when I sank into depression again and my second husband left me just before my 44th birthday, I knew I was missing something. I realised that if I wanted to stop repeating the same hurtful patterns in my life, then I had to start deeply loving myself. I learned that I wasn’t getting the love, respect and care I craved, because I didn’t think I was lovable, attractive or worthy.

This book is essentially a summary of the processes I used and refined as I embarked on my journey out of depression, illness, marital separation and fear, and began to create true happiness and fulfillment in my life.

My aim for this book is to give you effective tools that will make your journey to self-love and contentment simple and fast.

The processes in this book are the foundational ones that I practise daily, or return to frequently. Some may seem basic, but they work. Test them and see for yourself.

I offer you this road-map with love, and invite you to join me in taking these ten steps to happiness.

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