B?d?building r??uir?? ??mmitm?nt. It i? a totally diff?r?nt lifestyle th?t ?nt?il? l?tting go ?f ?ld h?bit? and adopting n?w ones. You ??nn?t go int? b?d?building ?nd b? h?lf- h??rt?d about it. It is a test ?f strength, self-discipline ?nd will??w?r. St?rt ?nl? wh?n ??u ?r? ?ur? ??u can ??mmit time, effort ?nd energy.
Y?ur d??i?i?n t? start ?n mu??l? tr?ining must ??m? fr?m a ?in??r? d??ir? f?r a h??lthi?r ?nd a m?r? d?v?l???d body. Do not g? int? it ju?t b???u?? it'? your N?w Y??r'? r???luti?n. P???l? wh? decide t? ?h?ng? ??m?thing in th?m when th? ??l?nd?r flips ?n J?nu?r? 1?t ?r? most lik?l? to ?tr?? fr?m this di??i?lin?.
M?k? ?n ??????m?nt ?f ??ur b?d?. Decide what kind ?f ?tt?nti?n goes t? whi?h ??rt of ??ur b?d?. Some ????l? have fl?bbi?r arms whil? ?th?r? have m??t ?f th? f?t ??ll??t?d in th?ir midsection. Thi? w??, it i? ???? f?r ??u to ?r??t? a program that ?ddr????? your problem areas.
S?t ??ur goals ?nd ?r??t? a plan accordingly. H?w much body fat d? ??u want t? l???? H?w much muscle weight do you intend t? g?in? Are ??u after g?ining strength? Ar? ??u ?ft?r d?v?l??ing ????d and endurance? Wh?t ?b?ut power? Give yourself a d??dlin? ?f wh?n these goals should b? ?tt?in?d.
M?n?g? ??ur ?x???t?ti?n?. One m?nth i? a good ?t?rt in l??ing weight but it i?n't enough to get you ri???d. M?k? a r??li?ti? vi?u?liz?ti?n ?f th? progress you can ??hi?v? in a ??rt?in ??ri?d. Do n?t set ??ur??lf f?r di?????intm?nt. M??t b?ginn?r? get di???ur?g?d b???u?? ?f th? unrealistic g??l? th?? set f?r th?m??lv??.
For the other 95 tips please check out the book. Thanks!