Unholy Intentions
- Set
- in
- Atlanta,
- Georgia,
- Unholy
- Intentions,
- is
- a
- novel
- of
- cat
- and
- mouse
- with
- lethal
- terrorists.
- Lead
- character
- and
- ex-marine
- Clebe
- Raol,
- heads
- up
- the
- FBI's
- crack
- counter-terror
- team
- headquartered
- in
- Atlanta.
- He
- and
- his
- team
- work
- closely
- with
- the
- Centers
- for
- Disease
- Control
- (CDC).
- Clebe
- is
- engaged
- to
- Dr.
- Julie
- Bodet,
- an
- infectious
- disease
- research
- specialist
- at
- the
- CDC.
- The
- story
- involves
- a
- plot
- by
- to
- unleash
- a
- genetically
- altered
- strain
- of
- leprosy
- in
- Atlanta
- with
- the
- intention
- of
- disrupting
- the
- country's
- economy
- and
- killing
- millions
- of
- people
- in
- a
- terror
- attack
- on
- the
- scale
- of
- a
- nuclear
- holocaust.The
- story
- involves
- activity
- in
- Africa,
- Pakistan,
- India,
- Venezuela,
- Cuba
- and
- ultimately
- the
- United
- States
- as
- the
- terrorists
- seek
- to
- test
- their
- ferocious
- disease
- and
- carry
- out
- their
- plot.
- It
- is
- a
- struggle
- between
- good
- and
- evil,
- involving
- a
- feared
- disease
- dating
- back
- to
- Biblical
- times
- and
- climaxing
- with
- a
- thrilling
- confrontation
- in
- the
- heart
- of Atlanta.
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