The Go Code Protocol
Paul Decker Assignments, #1
Reeks: Paul Decker Assignments
Jeffry Weiss
- The
- briefcase,
- the
- football,
- containing
- the
- go
- codes
- for
- the
- U.S.
- nuclear
- arsenal
- is
- carried
- by
- military
- aides
- who
- always
- accompany
- the
- President
- and
- Vice-President.Paul
- Decker,
- distant
- husband,
- estranged
- father,
- alcoholic,
- has
- been
- pulled
- from
- active
- duty
- to
- state-side
- assignment:
- aide
- to
- the
- vice-president.
- A
- position
- he
- hopes
- to
- ride
- out
- till
- his
- retirement.In
- a
- strike
- on
- Washington,
- a
- terrorist
- group
- known
- as
- "Black
- Bear"
- gets
- away
- with
- the
- prize,
- killing
- many
- secret
- service
- agents
- and
- almost
- killing
- Captain
- Paul
- Decker:
- the
- officer
- charged
- with
- protecting
- the
- football.Black
- Bear
- breaks
- the
- encryption
- code,
- and
- opens
- a
- "trap
- door"
- into
- the
- nation's
- network…and
- is
- auctioning
- off
- targeted
- missile
- strikes.Many
- countries,
- both
- friend
- and
- foe,
- along
- with
- a
- dozen
- terrorist
- organizations,
- want
- what
- Black
- Bear
- has.
- And
- it's
- all
- for
- sale!Paul
- Decker
- assembles
- his
- own
- team
- to
- go
- after
- the
- perpetrators.
- However,
- he
- is
- Code
- 6:
- acting
- on
- his
- own
- without
- the
- backing
- of
- the
- government.The
- chase
- begins
- in
- Washington,
- D.C.,
- where
- Paul
- finds
- the
- lowest
- man
- on
- the
- rungs
- of
- the
- conspiracy
- ladder
- and
- tortures
- him
- until
- he
- gets
- a
- piece
- of
- information
- taking
- him
- deeper
- into
- Black
- Bear.
- The
- hunt
- quickly
- extends
- to
- England,
- Turkey,
- Egypt,
- Algeria
- and
- Somalia.
- But
- always
- one
- step
- being
- Black
- Bear.The
- American
- Vice-President
- wants
- to
- use
- the
- opportunity
- to
- attack
- Russia
- and
- blame
- it
- on
- Black
- Bear.
- When
- the
- President
- disagrees,
- the
- Vice-President
- threatens
- to
- invoke
- the
- 25th
- amendment,
- removing
- the
- president
- from power.
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