The Order
Paul Decker assignments, #14
Reeks: Paul Decker assignments
Jeffry Weiss
- Fiction:
- A
- series
- of
- suspicious
- suicides
- draws
- co-protagonist
- Paul
- Decker
- and
- co-protagonist,
- Washington
- Star
- reporter,
- Rebecca
- Novak,
- together
- to
- investigate.
- What
- starts
- out
- as
- a
- local
- issue
- morphs
- into
- a
- conspiracy
- of
- such
- magnitude
- as
- to
- pit
- them
- against
- a
- group
- that
- wants
- nothing
- more
- than
- to
- establish
- a
- new
- world
- order:
- one
- government,
- one
- military,
- one
- currency,
- one
- education
- system.The
- group,
- known
- as
- "The
- Order",
- is
- headed
- by
- a
- man
- said
- to
- be
- 115
- years
- old
- and
- involved
- in
- every
- war,
- assassination
- andcoup
- d**'**état
- since
- 1914.As
- much
- as
- logic
- tells
- Paul
- and
- Rebecca
- that
- the
- facts
- they
- have
- gathered,
- and
- conclusions
- drawn,
- are
- sending
- them
- down
- a
- worm
- hole,
- the
- forces
- aligned
- against
- them
- grow
- as
- the
- two
- get
- closer
- to
- the
- core
- of
- the
- group.A
- number
- of
- tenacious
- investigators
- have
- uncovered
- plots
- by
- the
- CIA,
- transnational
- corporations,
- bankers
- and
- the
- military
- to
- further
- their
- own
- agendas.
- Yet
- they
- are
- being
- killed
- faster
- that
- Paul
- and
- Rebecca
- can
- get
- to
- them
- and
- provide
- protection.It
- is
- only
- with
- the
- combined
- effort
- of
- Paul's
- East
- European
- hacker,
- a
- few
- brave
- members
- of
- the
- Washington,
- DC
- police
- department,
- one
- fearless
- U.S.
- Senator
- and
- some
- concerned
- citizens
- willing
- to
- risk
- their
- lives
- that
- enables
- the
- rule
- of
- law
- to
- triumph.Fact:
- For
- decades
- the
- country
- has
- been
- run
- by
- a
- cabal
- operating
- behind
- the
- scenes.
- Yet
- people
- still
- believe
- that
- politicians
- and
- elected
- officials
- are
- independent,
- honest
- and
- looking
- out
- for
- the
- welfare
- of
- its
- citizens.
- Nothing
- could
- be
- further
- from
- the truth.
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