The Patriot Betrayal
Paul Decker assignments, #3
Reeks: Paul Decker assignments
Jeffry Weiss
- A
- new
- American
- President
- has
- been
- elected
- on
- a
- wave
- of
- fear:
- fear
- of
- war
- with
- an
- emerging
- China
- and
- re-emerging
- Russia,
- and
- the
- old
- wars
- on
- terror
- and
- drugs.The
- government's
- greatest
- concern
- is
- not
- al
- Qaeda,
- Iran,
- China
- or
- Russia;
- rather,
- it
- is
- deemed
- to
- be
- American
- citizens
- who
- might
- rise
- up
- and
- attempt
- to
- overthrow
- an
- increasingly
- totalitarian
- government.There
- are
- those
- who
- know
- the
- wars
- are
- trumped
- up
- and
- an
- excuse
- for
- spying
- on
- U.S.
- citizens
- who
- are
- trying
- to
- expose
- the
- extent
- of
- the
- program.But
- whistleblowers
- and
- witnesses
- are
- being
- killed
- faster
- than
- they
- can
- be
- brought
- in
- to
- challenge
- the
- legality
- of
- the
- Patriot
- Act
- and
- the
- extent
- of
- spying.All
- that
- stands
- in
- the
- way
- of
- the
- president's
- plan
- to
- further
- consolidate
- his
- position
- -
- and
- reward
- the
- bankers
- and
- corporations
- who
- funded
- his
- campaigns
- -
- is
- the
- danger
- that
- citizens
- might
- rise
- up
- and
- overthrow
- the
- government.The
- President
- is
- being
- kick-backed
- millions
- of
- dollars
- by
- the
- private
- prison
- system
- to
- pass
- legislation
- against
- any
- individual
- or
- group
- fomenting
- unrest,
- thereby
- keeping
- the
- prisons
- full.
- The
- definition
- of
- what
- constitutes
- a
- legal
- citizen
- is
- narrowing
- greatly.Paul
- Decker
- must
- break
- the
- former
- U.S.
- President
- out
- of
- prison
- with
- the
- help
- of
- a
- beautiful
- whistleblower
- now
- on
- the
- run,
- a
- agent
- on
- medical
- leave,
- the
- leader
- of
- a
- motorcycle
- gang,
- and
- his
- ever-present
- East
- European
- hacker,
- then
- defeat
- the
- antagonists
- in
- the
- only
- way
- possible
- –
- with
- the
- rule
- of law.
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