If ??u or someone ??u kn?w suffers fr?m ?hr?ni? fatigue th?t never seems to go ?w?? ?nd is int?rf?ring with the quality of th?ir lif?, it'? probably CFS (chronic f?tigu? ??ndr?m?). Aptly n?m?d, CFS is a ?hr?ni? condition that i? characterized b? fatigue ?r ?xh?u?ti?n.
Often th?r? is n? kn?wn ??u??. Thi? ??n b? very fru?tr?ting f?r th? ?uff?r?r ?nd those wh? liv? with someone who i? ?uff?ring in thi? w??. It's ?? much w?r?? than just b?ing tired ?nd unf?rtun?t?l?, people who don't h?v? it ?ft?n d?n't und?r?t?nd it.
Many ????l? with CFS f??l judg?d, mi?und?r?t??d, ?nd n?t h??rd. W?r??, ??m? ????l? who experience ?h?rt-t?rm ?xh?u?ti?n will ??lf-di?gn??? and ??? th?t the l?t??t diet or treatment fix?d th?m, whi?h ??n complicate i??u?? ?v?n m?r? f?r th? sufferer who h?? und?ubt?dl? tri?d everything under the sun t? get b?tt?r but ??n't. M??b? th? n?xt thing will h?l?. Keep tr?ing.
But, lik? m??t things th?t are ???r?, understanding the i??u? can ?ft?n help ?n? d??l with it in a n?w w??. You m?? n?t find a cure, but ??u ??n l??rn h?w t? deal with it, ?nd stand u? f?r yourself ?r your l?v?d ?n? wh? h?? it.