Young noble Jeyreme Corbeau has been assigned by his father to catch the notorious bandit known as the Grey Swan, who is robbing merchants in their barony.
Amongst the problems with this assignment are the facts that Jeyreme is actually a trans woman, that she's trying to find a way to run away with her lover…
…and she is the Grey Swan.
When the Baron decides that Jey's not doing the job well enough, he calls in a bounty hunter dedicated to an evil god.
Now the Grey Swan has to become a hero to save everyone from this threat!
Add in the interest the faerie lord called the Prince of Fireflies has in Jey's lover, and no one can guess what powers will come to clash in the woods of Barony Corbeau!
All of Jey's secrets will come crashing together in a story of queer swashbuckling adventure!