How could you walk if you couldn’t see what lay ahead? How would you know where to go? Taking the next step would be scary and possibly dangerous.
From her history of facing the diagnosis of a progressive eye disease, Jena Fellers knows how much trust is needed to tame fear of the unknown. Over time, she learned how to let go more often and started trusting others to guide her. She believes this illustration will help you with your journey of faith as well.
This book defines faith, teaches how to grow in it, and shares the benefits of stronger faith. Jena illustrates how blind individuals use a sighted guide, the trust and surrender that requires, and how God desires to be our guide.
To know how to follow correctly and walk by faith, one must understand Proverbs 3:5 better. Using personal and biblical illustrations, Jena guides us through this verse, one word or phrase at a time.
This journey demonstrates how trust and faith work together and how trusting God can shine light on our path. It lets you reflect upon and measure your own amount of trust. It motivates us to keep walking, with God’s guidance, even when we cannot see what is directly in front of us.
Are you ready to take your next step of faith? Faith Illustrated offers an opportunity for personal reflection, building strength to allow God to guide you where He desires with new confidence and trust in Him.
Start following God’s lead today with every step you take.