Bhakti: A journey of Soul discovery


Winner - 2021 Best Independent Book Award.

***"*Sometimes God comes like a thief in the night; sometimes He breaks down the front door when you didn't even know He was coming! The author's Unexpected Visitor made mincemeat of her well-ordered atheist life, taking her into vast, uncharted regions of her own heart. Traveling from Peru to India, she eventually found her spiritual home as a Kriyaban-yogi, a disciple of a great Indian Master, Paramhansa Yogananda. A fascinating, almost daily account of this sudden, total transformation." - Asha Nayaswami, Spiritual Director, Ananda Palo Alto

Raised by atheists, Jennifer Duke rejected any possibility of an omniscient creator. At age fifty, she could not have foreseen the cataclysmic shift that was about to occur in her life – and the profound inner experiences that would challenge her entire view of reality.

What changed? What took her to Peru and India in search of answers?

This book is not about organized religion. As Jennifer would discover, we do not need priests, dogmas, or institutions to experience our own direct, inner connection with Spirit. Through her direct experiences of union with God, she was able, in time, to navigate the revolutionary shift in her understanding of Truth. In Jennifer's clear, sincere narrative we feel the authenticity of her journey, as she discovers her Soul nature, the truths of the universe, and the path of Self-realization.

"This is a profound and earnest account of a life unfolding, expanding into the divine and eternal Truth that awaits us all." – Shanti Rubenstone, M.D., Spiritual Director, Ananda Palo Alto

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