As you may well have figured out this new eating plan really is not new to us. It is quite probably the oldest diet. Think about it, our ancestors had to be fit and healthy. They walked for long distances in search of food, and they also walked in search of fruits, berries, and nuts. When food options dwindled in one location, they migrated to hopefully a better place. Today how far do you walk on a daily basis? Are you fit enough to walk for several miles to hunt your next meal? Most of us fall short in comparison to our ancestors in physical activity.
Many of us sit behind desks for most of the day, and then complain about having no energy when we come home as we sit in front of the big screen eating our processed, packaged foods, frozen pizzas, restaurant carry outs after a rough day at work. Not to mention the treats we think we deserve such as potato chips, corn chips, cheese puffs, bars and ice cream, and all the chemicals that have been added in.
They are convenient, but what a price we are paying for the convenience. The increasing incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity is but a small part. In addition to a growing rate of asthma, arthritis, and an increase in autoimmune diseases.
It may be a coincidence that what many nutritionists label the “Standard American Diet” creates an acronym that spells out the word SAD. But it is an extremely accurate description of what we eat and how we eat in the Western World. We need to take the time and study the transition from what our ancestors ate and what we eat today.
Perhaps looking thousands of years back for an answer to the problem we have created for ourselves seems a bit ridiculous to you. But once you learn how our prehistoric relatives ate prior to the advent of agriculture, you will probably have a different opinion.
The Paleo eating style is based on the theory that the genes we as modern humans have are actually the result of life conditions which formed many years ago in our evolution, before the advent of agriculture.
We will look at the hidden health dangers of the current diet of the western world. We will look at the ultimate consequences of consuming too many of these so called foods, and a growing list of degenerative diseases. We will look at what they ate before they discovered what they could make with wheat and other grain foods.
We'll explore the incredible health benefits by returning to that ancient eating pattern and what it may hold for you. We will encourage you to study the opinions of Nutritionists, Naturopathic doctors, and public health officials and read the results of the latest clinical trials and research.
You can trade the Standard American Diet for a healthier, simpler way of eating. Look at the specific foods you should avoid, as well as the foods you will enjoy in unlimited amounts, and some foods that should only be eaten in moderation.
We will look into planning your meals so you can achieve success. Included are a few recipes based on nourishing your Paleolithic Era Self to help your journey. Finally, we present you with a list of tips, tricks, and techniques to help you get over the bumps along the road as you travel towards your ultimate health goals of increased energy and have less fear of degenerative disease.
While you travel on this healthy journey, you will discover the wonderful selection and diversity of foods and meals you can enjoy. Nourishment that not only will satisfy you, but will please everyone with a palette.