An epic uplifting tale of spiritual discovery that should be experienced by everyone. The ongoing personal moral dilemma suffered by Marcus Pontius Pilatus (aka Pontius Pilate) is actively explored throughout the course of this thought-provoking novel which ultimately functions as a powerful love story for the Ages.
While it would be best categorized as historical fiction with a strong psychological element to non-Christian readers, this novel should be viewed in more spiritually uplifting terms by practicing Christian readers. Pontius Pilate is meant to represent the archetype of every man who has ever been placed in the truly invidious situation where making a righteous decision will inevitably lead to personal disgrace and ruination.
There is a strong possibility that Pilate was not the ignorant self-serving brute often portrayed by Hollywood. His conduct at the trial of Lord Jesus is highly suggestive that he instead possessed a sharp and perceptive intellect akin to that of the disgraced mythical psychiatrist Dr Hannibal Lecter.
Jeremy Peter de Beer was born and raised in Cape Town. He attended UCT Medical School where he initially obtained an MBChB degree (1985) followed over a decade later (2000) by a research Masters degree in Psychiatry and Mental Health. He is married to his soulmate Henriette. He has a keen interest in Biblical Prophecy and believes that we could well be living in the End Times. He is currently semi-retired and attends the Cornerstone Community Church in Vanderbijlpark (which is 75 km south of Johannesburg).