Longevity and inspiration through music, super-human abilities, and alternative educational methods. These are but some of the strange tales to be found in this book.
Mad Scientist Journal: Summer 2019 collects fourteen tales from the fictional worlds of mad science. For the discerning mad scientist reader, there are also pieces of fiction from A. M. H. Devine, Andrew Jensen, and Wendy Nikel. Readers will also find other resources for the budding mad scientist, including an advice column, gossip column, and other brief messages from mad scientists.
Authors featured in this volume also include Amanda Cherry, Kathryn Yelinek, Paul Stansbury, Shana Ross, Johanna Beate Stumpf, Judith Field, Alan Bennington, Deborah L. Davitt, Faith Consiglio, David Harrison, Jonathan Danz, Dave D'Alessio, Paul Alex Gray, Cecilia Kennedy, Alex Pickens, Catherine Ann Fox, David Reynolds, F. J. Speredelozzi, Joachim Heijndermans, Steve Neiman, Sean Frost, and Torrey Podmajersky. Art provided by Ariel Alian Wilson, America Jones, Leigh Legler, Justine McGreevy, Luke Spooner, Scarlett O'Hairdye, and Errow Collins.