Splendour in the Dark
C. S. Lewis's Dymer in His Life and Work
Reeks: Hansen Lectureship Series
Jerry Root ; David C. Downing
- Several
- years
- before
- he
- converted
- to
- Christianity,
- C.
- S.
- Lewis
- published
- a
- narrative
- poem,
- Dymer,
- under
- the
- pseudonym
- Clive
- Hamilton.
- Later,
- of
- course,
- Lewis
- became
- well
- known
- for
- his
- beloved
- imaginative
- stories,
- such
- as
- The
- Chronicles
- of
- Narnia
- and
- Till
- We
- Have
- Faces,
- as
- well
- as
- his
- ability
- to
- defend
- and
- articulate
- the
- faith
- in
- works
- such
- as
- Mere
- Christianity.But
- what
- about
- his
- literary
- work
- before
- his
- conversion?In
- this
- Hansen
- Lectureship
- volume,
- Jerry
- Root
- contends
- that
- Lewis's
- early
- poem
- Dymer
- can
- not
- only
- shed
- light
- on
- the
- development
- of
- Lewis's
- literary
- skills
- but
- also
- offer
- a
- glimpse
- of
- what
- was
- to
- come
- in
- his
- intellectual
- and
- spiritual
- growth—a
- "splendour
- in
- the
- dark,"
- to
- borrow
- one
- of
- Lewis's
- own
- lines
- from
- the
- poem.
- Under
- Root's
- careful
- analysis,
- Dymer
- becomes
- a
- way
- to
- understand
- both
- Lewis's
- change
- of
- mind
- as
- well
- as
- the
- way
- in
- which
- each
- of
- us
- is
- led
- on
- a
- journey
- of
- faith.This
- volume
- also
- includes
- the
- complete
- text
- of
- Dymer
- with
- annotations
- from
- David
- C.
- Downing,
- co-director
- of
- the
- Marion
- E.
- Wade
- Center.Based
- on
- the
- annual
- lecture
- series
- hosted
- at
- Wheaton
- College's
- Marion
- E.
- Wade
- Center,
- volumes
- in
- the
- Hansen
- Lectureship
- Series
- reflect
- on
- the
- imaginative
- work
- and
- lasting
- influence
- of
- seven
- British
- authors:
- Owen
- Barfield,
- G.
- K.
- Chesterton,
- C.
- S.
- Lewis,
- George
- MacDonald,
- Dorothy
- L.
- Sayers,
- J.
- R.
- R.
- Tolkien,
- and
- Charles Williams.
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