Chippendales True Crime Story


The web of lies thickens, and the night beckons! Waking up in the middle of the night, Jesse calms his heartbeat, his mind burning with one query, and his curiosity knowing no bounds!

He can still remember the carrion, the scent of blood, and the mutilated corpse of his father in the jail. Shadows whisper to him, uttering threats and he knows if he goes down this path, he would have to face death itself…maybe if he is lucky, a bullet to his arm is all he would take…or perhaps he would join his father!

Meet Jesse Banerjee, the firstborn of Steve Banerjee, the unrelenting son who is hell-bent on proving that his father's alleged suicide wasn't a self-killing act, born out of fear of the life sentence but rather something more sinister. No matter what the jury said, he could read between lines. And now, he realizes that someone powerful is behind his father's untimely demise. And if Jesse doesn't give up this path, he would soon meet a fate very grim…

Join Jesse who embarks on a journey to uncover the criminal faces behind the masks! Death is behind him, and if he is lucky, it will not catch him unaware and swiftly...that is if he is careful.

Many stories have been told about Chippendales, all of them are mostly the narratives of the perpetrators that stole the empire, and cleverly they have managed to make their story very believable and credible.

Silenced by intimidation, threats, and a corrupt Justice system, not anymore.

For the first time, Jesse is revealing the true story in Chippendales True Crime.

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