Food Whore
A Novel of Dining and Deceit
Jessica Tom
- Full
- of
- wit
- and
- mouth-watering
- cuisines,
- Jessica
- Tom’s
- debut
- novel
- offers
- a
- clever
- insider
- take
- on
- the
- rarefied
- world
- of
- New
- York
- City’s
- dining
- scene
- in
- the
- tradition
- of
- The
- Devil
- Wears
- Prada
- meets
- Kitchen
- Confidential.Food
- whore
- (n.)
- A
- person
- who
- will
- do
- anything**for
- food.When
- Tia
- Monroe
- moves
- to
- New
- York
- City,
- she
- plans
- to
- put
- herself
- on
- the
- culinary
- map
- in
- no
- time.
- But
- after
- a
- coveted
- internship
- goes
- up
- in
- smoke,
- Tia’s
- suddenly
- just
- another
- young
- food
- lover
- in
- the
- big
- city.But
- when
- Michael
- Saltz,
- a
- legendary
- New
- York
- Times
- restaurant
- critic,
- lets
- Tia
- in
- on
- a
- career-ending
- secret—that
- he’s
- lost
- his
- sense
- of
- taste—everything
- changes.
- Now
- he
- wants
- Tia
- to
- serve
- as
- his
- palate,
- ghostwriting
- his
- reviews.
- In
- return
- he
- promises
- her
- lavish
- meals,
- a
- bottomless
- cache
- of
- designer
- clothing,
- and
- the
- opportunity
- of
- a
- lifetime.
- Out
- of
- prospects
- and
- determined
- to
- make
- it,
- Tia
- agrees.Within
- weeks,
- Tia’s
- world
- transforms
- into
- one
- of
- luxury:
- four-star
- dinners,
- sexy
- celebrity
- chefs,
- and
- an
- unlimited
- expense
- account
- at
- Bergdorf
- Goodman.
- Tia
- loves
- every
- minute
- of
- it…until
- she
- sees
- her
- words
- in
- print
- and
- Michael
- Saltz
- taking
- all
- the
- credit.
- As
- her
- secret
- identity
- begins
- to
- crumble
- and
- the
- veneer
- of
- extravagance
- wears
- thin,
- Tia
- is
- forced
- to
- confront
- what
- it
- means
- to
- truly
- succeed—and
- how
- far
- she’s
- willing
- to
- go
- to
- get there.
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