Pleasure Drones of the Alien Queen
The Secret Files of Eliot Blackwell, #1
Reeks: The Secret Files of Eliot Blackwell
Jett Holloway
- Pleasure
- Drones
- of
- the
- Alien
- Queenby
- Jett
- HollowayWords:
- 8,889She
- came
- from
- the
- stars…
- and
- she
- was
- hungry.Eliot
- Blackwell
- is
- no
- stranger
- to
- trouble.
- The
- year
- is
- 1967,
- and
- as
- a
- paranormal
- investigator,
- he's
- spent
- the
- last
- decade
- dealing
- with
- things
- that
- go
- bump
- in
- the
- night—ghosts,
- cults,
- creatures
- that
- sane
- people
- pretend
- don't
- exist.
- He's
- been
- shot
- at,
- chased,
- and
- nearly
- dragged
- to
- Hell
- more
- times
- than
- he
- can
- count.
- But
- none
- of
- it
- prepared
- him
- for
- her.It
- started
- the
- way
- these
- things
- always
- do—with
- a
- beautiful
- woman
- and
- a
- fat
- stack
- of
- cash.
- A
- mysterious
- letter,
- slipped
- under
- his
- office
- door,
- inviting
- him
- to
- a
- private
- meeting
- at
- a
- mansion
- that
- shouldn't
- exist.
- The
- kind
- of
- offer
- a
- man
- like
- Eliot
- knows
- better
- than
- to
- take—but
- can't
- resist.
- The
- woman
- who
- answers
- the
- door
- is
- impossibly
- beautiful,
- her
- body
- wrapped
- in
- something
- that
- shifts
- like
- liquid
- metal,
- her
- glowing
- silver
- eyes
- hinting
- at
- something
- not
- entirely
- human.
- She
- calls
- herself
- Mia,
- and
- she's
- got
- a
- problem
- only
- Eliot
- Blackwell
- can
- solve.Men
- are
- disappearing.
- No
- bodies.
- No
- traces.
- Just
- rumors
- of
- pleasure
- beyond
- imagining—and
- an
- invitation
- to
- join
- something
- greater.Eliot
- doesn't
- buy
- it.
- He's
- been
- around
- long
- enough
- to
- know
- a
- setup
- when
- he
- sees
- one.
- But
- something
- about
- Mia's
- voice—smooth
- as
- silk,
- rich
- as
- honey—has
- his
- pulse
- racing,
- his
- instincts
- warring
- with
- the
- heat
- curling
- low
- in
- his
- gut.
- She
- doesn't
- just
- want
- protection.
- She
- wants
- him.
- Not
- just
- his
- skills.
- Not
- just
- his
- mind.
- She
- wants
- what's
- inside
- him—something
- he
- doesn't
- understand,
- something
- that
- pulls
- her
- to
- him
- like
- a
- flame
- to
- dry
- kindling.She
- tells
- him
- she's
- in
- danger.
- That
- they're
- coming
- for
- her.Eliot's
- about
- to
- find
- out
- who
- they
- are.A
- Thrilling,
- Erotic
- Sci-Fi
- Pulp
- AdventureHard-boiled
- detective
- meets
- cosmic
- horror.
- Noir
- mystery
- collides
- with
- sizzling,
- otherworldly
- pleasure.
- Pleasure
- Drones
- of
- the
- Alien
- Queen
- is
- a
- grindhouse
- fever
- dream
- of
- intergalactic
- seduction,
- eldritch
- secrets,
- and
- an
- investigator
- who
- dives
- headfirst
- into
- a
- mystery
- that
- might
- just
- consume
- him
- whole.Enter
- Pleasure
- Drones
- of
- the
- Alien
- Queen—but
- be
- warned…
- you
- may
- never
- want
- to leave.