Girls' Poker Night
A Novel of High Stakes
Jill A. Davis
- Dissatisfied
- both
- with
- writing
- a
- “Single
- Girl
- on
- the
- Edge/
- Ledge/Verge”
- lifestyle
- column
- and
- with
- her
- boyfriend
- (who
- has
- a
- name
- for
- his
- car
- and
- compulsively
- collects
- plastic
- bread
- ties),
- Ruby
- Capote
- sends
- her
- best
- columns
- and
- a
- six-pack
- of
- beer
- to
- the
- editor
- of
- The
- New
- York
- News
- and
- lands
- herself
- a
- new
- job
- in
- a
- new
- city.In
- New
- York,
- Ruby
- undertakes
- the
- venerable
- tradition
- of
- Poker
- Night—a
- way
- (as
- men
- have
- always
- known)
- to
- eat,
- drink,
- smoke,
- analyze,
- interrupt
- one
- another,
- share
- stories,
- and,
- most
- of
- all,
- raise
- the
- stakes.
- There’s
- Skorka,
- model
- by
- profession,
- homewrecker
- by
- vocation;
- Jenn,
- willing
- to
- cross
- county
- lines
- for
- true
- love;
- Danielle,
- recently
- divorced,
- seducer
- of
- at
- least
- one
- father/son
- combo
- in
- her
- quest
- to
- make
- up
- for
- perceived
- “missed
- opportunities.”When
- Ruby
- falls
- for
- her
- boss,
- Michael,
- all
- bets
- are
- off.
- He’s
- a
- challenge.
- He’s
- her
- editor.
- And
- he
- wants
- her
- to
- stop
- being
- quippy
- and
- clever
- and
- become
- the
- writer—and
- the
- woman—he
- knows
- she
- can
- be.
- Adding
- to
- Ruby’s
- uncertainty
- is
- his
- amazing
- yet
- ambiguous
- kiss
- in
- the
- elevator,
- and
- the
- enjoyably
- torturous
- impasse
- of
- he-loves-me,
- he-loves-me-not.What
- happens
- when
- you
- realize
- that
- Mr.
- Right
- has
- his
- own
- unresolved
- past?
- Where
- does
- that
- leave
- the
- future
- you
- envisioned?
- Ruby
- knows
- that
- happy
- endings
- aren’t
- for
- cowards,
- and
- she
- hasn’t
- lost
- hope
- that
- there
- are
- risks
- worth
- taking.
- As
- smart
- as
- it
- is
- laugh-out-loud
- funny,
- Girls’
- Poker
- Night
- is
- a
- twenty-first-century
- His
- Girl
- Friday
- and
- a
- re-freshingly
- upbeat
- look
- at
- friendship,
- work,
- and love.
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