My Song Of Songs: Solomon's Touch
Joanna Hynes
- Overview
- a
- first-generation
- Ethiopian
- immigrant,
- Sheba
- had
- lived
- in
- Charleston
- since
- she
- turned
- five
- years
- of
- age.
- She
- was
- Ethiopian
- by
- birth,
- but
- American
- by
- preference.
- She
- had
- worked
- hard,
- studied
- and
- sacrificed
- plenty
- to
- get
- where
- she
- was
- today,
- no
- easy
- feat
- for
- someone
- who
- had
- just
- celebrated
- her
- twenty-sixth
- birthday.
- According
- to
- her
- friends,
- Sheba
- was
- a
- beauty,
- though
- when
- she
- looked
- in
- the
- mirror,
- she
- saw
- inevitable
- flaws;
- her
- cheekbones
- were
- too
- pronounced,
- her
- mouth
- a
- little
- too
- wide,
- her
- nose
- with
- that
- perturbing
- slant
- to
- it.
- Still,
- she
- accepted
- compliments
- gratefully,
- especially
- from
- her
- roommate,
- Janelle.
- Janelle
- was
- the
- true
- beauty,
- Sheba
- thought,
- with
- dark
- ebony
- skin
- so
- smooth
- that
- she
- could
- be
- a
- walking
- ad
- for
- Ghirardelli
- Dark Chocolate.