Mardus lives on a tranquil farm outside the gates of Rome, but when he befriends a gang of intimidating boys who work on the city's docks, he's drawn into a much darker world. Attracted by a chance at power among their little hierarchy, he attempts to lead two lives, but when a brutal fight goes wrong, he and his friends are forced to flee their home.
Enamored by the amazing stories of an old merchant seaman, Mardus believes his life on the sea will bring adventure and fortune, but soon the hard reality sets in. Tempted by a lucrative offer from an odd couple to deliver a mysterious cargo, the beleaguered young man discovers an ancient secret that could change his life forever...if he can manage to make it back from the delivery alive.
'The Cargo Man's Tale' is a sweeping YA historical fantasy adventure set in 60bc Rome. From the author of 'Swing Zone' and 'Homebound.'