The Monks of Appalling Dreadfulness
John Connolly
- From
- internationally
- bestselling
- author
- John
- Connolly,
- a
- new
- short
- story
- to
- brighten
- the
- dark
- months,
- featuring
- the
- beloved
- character
- of
- Samuel
- Johnson.The
- Monks
- of
- Appalling
- Dreadfulness
- are
- the
- most
- feared
- assassins
- in
- the
- Multiverse.They
- are
- ruthless.
- They
- are
- cunning.
- They
- can
- do
- interesting
- things
- with
- oranges.Now
- they
- have
- been
- hired
- to
- hunt
- down
- and
- kill
- the
- demon
- Nurd,
- along
- with
- every
- friend
- he’s
- ever
- had.
- But
- friends
- come
- in
- all
- shapes
- and
- sizes,
- and
- with
- all
- kinds
- of
- talents.The
- Monks
- of
- Appalling
- Dreadfulness
- are
- about
- to
- meet
- their match...