Our God is the worker of many wondrous things. The Bible recounts many of His extraordinary deeds. The scriptures are a truthful account of many of the supernatural acts of an omnipotent God. And He is still working miracles.
But, are the extra-ordinary, the super-natural, the miraculous activities of God the most powerful expressions of His presence in our world? Have they ever been?
The question of this booklet is not to question miracles or their occurrence. The question is, “Are miracles the very BEST of God's work?” Are they the pinnacle?
I'm convinced that the most significant things that God has ever done are not miraculous in nature. If God is to be found primarily in the miraculous – then He will be scarce and hard to find. If he is present in the mundane – then He is everywhere and very easy to touch.
My fear is that if we are only looking for God in the earthquake and the fire . . . . we may miss Him entirely in the “still small voice.” (I Kings 19:12)
He is not always in the earthquake, not always in the fire. But He is always in the still small voice. He is not always in the blinding light but He is always in the valley of the shadow.