Selling Through Distributors
John Griffin
- This
- book
- is
- a
- battle
- manual
- on
- building
- a
- successful
- international
- business.
- It
- will
- help
- seasoned
- international
- marketeers
- to
- audit
- and
- re-engineer
- their
- international
- distribution
- channels
- for
- a
- radical
- improvement
- in
- performance.
- It
- is
- vital
- reading
- for
- those
- in
- the
- early
- stages
- of
- building
- an
- international
- export
- organization.
- Selling
- Through
- Distributors
- sets
- out
- a
- formal
- programme
- for
- identifying
- appropriate
- distribution
- structures
- for
- your
- business,
- finding
- and
- choosing
- the
- very
- best
- distributors,
- and
- then
- managing
- them
- in
- a
- structured
- way
- to
- get
- the
- best
- in
- dealer
- performance
- and
- sales
- growth.
- You
- will
- learn
- how
- distributors
- think
- and
- what
- their
- sweet
- spots
- are.
- Equally
- you
- will
- understand
- the
- pitfalls
- and
- deceptions
- that
- are
- endemic
- in
- middleman
- relationships.
- In
- summary,
- this
- book
- teaches
- how
- to
- engage
- with
- distributors,
- internationally
- and
- domestically,
- so
- as
- to
- gain
- the
- edge
- on
- your
- competitors
- and
- win
- sales
- battles.
- You
- won’t
- find
- any
- tables,
- charts
- or
- diagrams.
- Just
- a
- hard-hitting
- pragmatic
- roadmap
- for
- choosing
- and
- managing
- middlemen
- anywhere
- on
- the
- planet.
- author,
- John
- Griffin,
- has
- spent
- over
- forty
- years
- in
- building
- international
- businesses
- in
- consumer
- appliances,
- electronics
- and
- medical
- devices.
- John
- has
- managed
- extremely
- successful
- national
- sales
- and
- marketing
- operations
- in
- Europe,
- Asia-Pacific,
- Middle
- East
- and
- Africa.
- He
- has
- worked
- at
- the
- coalface
- and
- learned
- how
- to
- succeed
- in
- developing
- international
- markets
- from
- scratch,
- bringing
- them
- through
- strategic
- channel
- development
- to
- multi-million
- dollar
- direct
- local
- sales
- and
- marketing
- subsidiaries.
- John
- has
- conducted
- many
- successful
- public
- seminars
- and
- has
- contributed
- to
- various
- journals,
- publications
- and
- organisations
- on
- the
- challenges
- of
- building
- international
- sales.
- retired
- recently
- as
- Vice-President
- International
- for
- the
- Welch
- Allyn
- Corporation
- –
- a
- global
- brand
- leader
- in
- medical
- diagnostic
- and
- monitoring systems.