Greta and Oliver: Escaping Fortuna is the first in a series of books about the mouse family of Greta and Oliver. Their home in very near the redwood coast of northern California, in the beautiful village of Ferndale. The time is 1932. Times are tough in their burrough beneath the farmer's house. Due to a sortage of living space, they must relocate...a decision which leads them on an extraordinary journey. With their six tiny, young children, they embark into danger and peril from sources they could not have imagined. Staying alive and keeping the family together become their highest priorities.
In the telling of their story, the narrative goes to great lengths to allow the reader to "see" the world through the eyes and minds of these small, defenseless creatures. Kindergarten teachers find it a captivating book for their students to listen to. Readers of all ages relate to and come to care about these furry little characters, though the book is within reach of a strong third-grade reader. Middle shool and even younger high school readers enjoy it as well.