A Man From Two Worlds


Young Cynthia Ann Parker is kidnapped by Comanche raiders and taken away from her settlement. Raids like this were nothing new, as life for the pioneers like her could be very dangerous. She was kidnapped by the Comanche at a young age and was raised as one of their own.

Through the years, Cynthia Ann grows to be a member of the tribe. She was raised by two Comanches as their own, and she learns Comanche skills and customs. She was soon integrated into the tribe and became a full and recognized member of the Comanche.

One of the more prominent warriors of the tribe, Peta Nocona took a liking to Cynthia Ann and asks for her hand in marriage. Peta was a powerful and influential Comanche Chief and her Comanche parents readily agreed for Peta to have her hand in marriage. The attraction between Peta and Cynthia Ann was very mutual and she bore him three children, a boy, Pecos, a girl, Topsannah or Prairie Flower, and their first born Quanah.

Quanah soon grew to be a strong and independent young man. He proved to be very skilled in all the ways of the Comanche, becoming a war leader of the Kwahadi ('Antelope') band of the Comanche Nation.

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