The Referral Engine
Teaching Your Business to Market Itself
John Jantsch
- The
- small
- business
- guru
- behind
- Duct
- Tape
- Marketing
- shares
- his
- most
- valuable
- lesson:
- how
- to
- get
- your
- customers
- to
- do
- your
- best
- marketing
- for
- you.The
- power
- of
- glitzy
- advertising
- and
- elaborate
- marketing
- campaigns
- is
- on
- the
- wane;
- word-
- of-mouth
- referrals
- are
- what
- drive
- business
- today.
- People
- trust
- the
- recommendation
- of
- a
- friend,
- family
- member,
- colleague,
- or
- even
- stranger
- with
- similar
- tastes
- over
- anything
- thrust
- at
- them
- by
- a
- faceless
- company.Most
- business
- owners
- believe
- that
- whether
- customers
- refer
- them
- is
- entirely
- out
- of
- their
- hands.
- But
- science
- shows
- that
- people
- can't
- help
- recommending
- products
- and
- services
- to
- their
- friends-it's
- an
- instinct
- wired
- deep
- in
- the
- brain.
- And
- smart
- businesses
- can
- tap
- into
- that
- hardwired
- desire.Marketing
- expert
- John
- Jantsch
- offers
- practical
- techniques
- for
- harnessing
- the
- power
- of
- referrals
- to
- ensure
- a
- steady
- flow
- of
- new
- customers.
- Keep
- those
- customers
- happy,
- and
- they
- will
- refer
- your
- business
- to
- even
- more
- customers.
- Some
- of
- Jantsch's
- strategies
- include:-Talk
- with
- your
- customers,
- not
- at
- them.
- Thanks
- to
- social
- networking
- sites,
- companies
- of
- any
- size
- have
- the
- opportunity
- to
- engage
- with
- their
- customers
- on
- their
- home
- turf
- as
- never
- before-but
- the
- key
- is
- listening.-The
- sales
- team
- is
- the
- most
- important
- part
- of
- your
- marketing
- team.
- Salespeople
- are
- the
- company's
- main
- link
- to
- customers,
- who
- are
- the
- main
- source
- of
- referrals.
- Getting
- them
- on
- board
- with
- your
- referral
- strategy
- is
- critical.-Educate
- your
- customers.
- Referrals
- are
- only
- helpful
- if
- they're
- given
- to
- the
- right
- people.
- Educate
- your
- customers
- about
- whom
- they
- should
- be
- talking
- to.The
- secret
- to
- generating
- referrals
- lies
- in
- understanding
- the
- "Customer
- Referral
- Cycle"-the
- way
- customers
- refer
- others
- to
- your
- company
- who,
- in
- turn,
- generate
- even
- more
- referrals.
- Businesses
- can
- ensure
- a
- healthy
- referral
- cycle
- by
- moving
- customers
- and
- prospects
- along
- the
- path
- of
- Know,
- Like,
- Trust,
- Try,
- Buy,
- Repeat,
- and
- Refer.
- If
- everyone
- in
- an
- organization
- keeps
- this
- sequence
- in
- mind,
- Jantsch
- argues,
- your
- business
- will
- generate
- referrals
- like
- a
- well-oiled
- machine.This
- practical,
- smart,
- and
- original
- guide
- is
- essential
- reading
- for
- any
- company
- looking
- to
- grow
- without
- a
- fat
- marketing budget.
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