Vanessa’s Story: A Novel


From the Introduction

This is a work of fiction. For the most part, any resemblance to real–life characters is coincidental. There is, however, one exception. I have included many of my own life experiences and those of my wife, Linda.

Adventitious blindness, visual impairment developed after birth, is extremely difficult to face. The techniques and experiences described here are based on actual, documented cases. When faced by this tremendous challenge, a person has the choice of learning to live blind or spending the rest of life in a limited, restricted environment.

About the Novel

After their terrible accident at Crater Lake, young Vanessa is blinded, and her boyfriend loses his legs. How will they ever adapt, either physically or emotionally, to their daunting new realities?

Vanessa’s Story is set years before the advent of the adaptive technology for the blind that exists today. Here, her own determination, support from her family, inspiration from a blind acquaintance, and excellent training at a center in Arkansas set the young woman on her path toward a brighter future.

Along the way, plenty of challenges and even dangers arise. A certain close relative is more than difficult to deal with until her own life circumstances and attitude change for the better.

As she gains confidence and maturity, Vanessa discovers that no vision is required for her to find new and lasting friendships—and then, at last, new love.

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