The Face Of Battle
A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme
John Keegan
- The
- Face
- of
- Battle
- is
- military
- history
- from
- the
- battlefield:
- a
- look
- at
- the
- direct
- experience
- of
- individuals
- at
- 'the
- point
- of
- maximum
- danger'.
- It
- examines
- the
- physical
- conditions
- of
- fighting,
- the
- particular
- emotions
- and
- behaviour
- generated
- by
- battle,
- as
- well
- as
- the
- motives
- that
- impel
- soldiers
- to
- stand
- and
- fight
- rather
- than
- run
- away.In
- his
- scrupulous
- reassessment
- of
- three
- battles,
- John
- Keegan
- vividly
- conveys
- their
- reality
- for
- the
- participants,
- whether
- facing
- the
- arrow
- cloud
- of
- Agincourt,
- the
- levelled
- muskets
- of
- Waterloo
- or
- the
- steel
- rain
- of
- the Somme.
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