Folly Beach: Homecoming


Finding Jack

It was the Fall of 1967. Summer was over; the tourists had
abandoned the island, the amusement park was closed, and the
beach had a slightly forlorn look. Mary took all this in as she
crossed the bridge and traveled the length of Center Street. She had
never been to Folly Beach, but her mother had spent many summers
there in her youth.
Mary had not come to Folly for surf and sand; she was there
to deliver a Valentine card. A card that should have been mailed
over thirty years before, and had it been mailed everything would
have been different. Mary was on Folly Beach to deliver the card
Along the way, Mary was destined to meet many of the
people that lived on that little island. Some of them became
determined to help Mary with her quest. Everything could be made
right, she knew, it was just a matter of finding Jack.

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