.......As they continued the digging Father Santa Cruz recounted the events that led to the burial box. Sometime in the year of Cortez’s travel, some Jesuit Priests were entrusted with a special closed wooden box. It was a simple casket created and used during the Spanish Inquisition. The story tells that a poor soul by the name of Francisco Moreno y Vivas was given one final chance to confess his acts against the ruling church. He refused. Many of his bones were broken, his flesh torn and.....
.... The skeleton and hungry evil skull evoked demonic fear. Horror and terror soaked their bodies and brought forth pain for one agonizing instant. Father Santa Cruz repeated the chant one more time. The evil creature froze, put his skeletal arms down, bowed its malevolent skull and placed his bony arms at his side. The black cloak around him disappeared revealing a skeleton dripping live red blood out of its bones.......