The Whitehall Conspiracy


Things really do go bump in the night and when they do it’s usually an indication that something is dangerously wrong somewhere.
Ex-soldier and Newcastle nightclub bouncer Jack Hammond is an agent in a secret department of the government known as the ‘Diplomatic Investigation Unit,’ this unit is under the direct control of a department deep within the Home Office with direct secure links to the Foreign Office and MI6.
This clandestine department is responsible for ensuring that MPs and senior civil servants do not betray, engage in illegal activity or divulge sensitive information to a person or persons unknown and if foul play is suspected the information is passed to the DIU for action.
The function of the DIU is simple and straight forward to correct situations created by serving politicians and civil servants that could, or would, do immense damage to security resulting in a worldwide conflict of trust between this country and other nations.
In order to prevent such a disaster, the DIU was set up as a secret unit known only to a handful of people in the Home Office allowing the unit to work outside of the law with total immunity from prosecution.
Jack Hammond is authorised to investigate, intercept and if necessary, to rectify the situation using extreme prejudice.
During his engagement in the DIU, Hammond has ‘rectified’ a number of threats to the nation’s security but the one he is about to undertake would be a fight to the death against professional and highly dangerous people engaged in a military coup.

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