The Evil Men Do
John McMahon
- TO
- IS
- razor-sharp
- thriller
- with
- the
- southern
- setting
- of
- True
- Detective
- and
- Sharp
- Objects,
- this
- is
- a
- perfect
- read
- for
- fans
- of
- acclaimed
- US
- writers
- like
- James
- Lee
- Burke,
- Greg
- Iles,
- Don
- Winslow
- and
- Michael
- Connelly.'Mark
- my
- words:
- John
- McMahon
- is
- about
- to
- join
- the
- ranks
- of
- crime
- fiction
- writers
- like
- Michael
- Connelly,
- Harlan
- Coben,
- Lee
- Child'*****
- Goodreads
- reviewerWhen
- Detective
- P.T.
- Marsh
- and
- his
- partner
- Remy
- Morgan
- are
- asked
- to
- investigate
- the
- suspicious
- death
- of
- a
- local
- real-estate
- baron,
- it's
- easy
- for
- them
- to
- name
- a
- list
- of
- suspects:
- violent
- neighbours,
- a
- wronged
- ex-wife
- and
- an
- escort,
- all
- of
- whom
- have
- reasons
- to
- want
- the
- man
- dead.But
- as
- they
- dig
- into
- the
- case,
- it
- becomes
- clear
- the
- death
- was
- not
- an
- isolated
- case
- of
- revenge...and
- may
- be
- part
- of
- a
- dark
- web
- of
- crimes
- connected
- to
- the
- accident
- that
- killed
- P.T.'s
- wife
- and
- son
- a
- few
- years
- earlier.P.T.
- begins
- to
- veer
- dangerously
- off
- track
- as
- his
- search
- for
- clues
- brings
- him
- into
- a
- seedy
- criminal
- underworld
- where
- a
- man's
- good
- deeds
- turn
- out
- to
- be
- more
- dangerous
- than
- his
- worst
- crimes.Praise
- for
- John
- McMahon:'One
- of
- those
- rare
- writers
- who
- seem
- to
- have
- sprung
- out
- of
- nowhere.
- The
- Good
- pretty
- much
- perfect.'
- New
- York
- Times
- Book
- Review'Tight,
- fast
- and
- addictive,
- I
- blistered
- this
- book
- in
- a
- single
- day.
- It
- has
- everything
- top-drawer
- crime
- fiction
- demands'
- John
- Hart,
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author'McMahon
- skillfully
- blends
- the
- old
- and
- the
- new
- and
- weaves
- it
- into
- spun
- gold.'
- Reed
- Farrel
- Coleman,
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author'Southern
- gothic
- mingles
- with
- modern
- noir' Kirkus
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