The richness of your life will be measured according to the depth of your relationship with God. So, how rich is your life? In Matthew 7:9-11 Jesus asked the question, "What sort of parent would give his or her child a stone rather than bread or hand him or her a serpent rather than a fish? If you, corrupt as you are, know to provide good things to your children, then don't you think your Heavenly Father will provide good things to those who ask?" According to this passage our Heavenly Father has the same parental feelings for us as we have for our children, just multiplied many times higher. Hearing God's Voice Every Day, an expanded version of From the Mouths of Babes, is a collection of vignettes detailing how God used the author's grandchildren to teach him what He (God) thinks and how He feels about all of us. Scripturally and based on experience with his grandchildren, the author concludes that God's love and concern for each of us is boundless. There is no limit to the access we can have to the God of the universe, and it is impossible to measure the treasures He has in store for those who will seek to know Him. In this book, you will learn just how much God loves you, how He continues to demonstrate His love, and just how much the God of all creation wants you to be with Him as His child. It really is all about relationship!