Sell Now!
The End of the Housing Bubble
John R. Talbott
- How
- Far
- Can
- Home
- Prices
- Fall?
- Can
- You
- Do
- to
- Protect
- Yourself?Home
- prices
- are
- seriously
- overvalued
- in
- many
- regions
- of
- the
- United
- States.
- The
- question
- is
- no
- longer
- if,
- but
- rather
- how
- far,
- home
- prices
- will
- fall
- and
- over
- what
- time
- frame
- this
- bubble
- will
- deflate.
- Home
- values
- have
- been
- escalating
- in
- real
- terms
- since
- 1981,
- the
- year
- nominal
- interest
- rates
- last
- peaked.
- And
- the
- greatest
- price
- increases
- in
- percentage
- terms
- have
- been
- in
- the
- wealthiest
- and
- most
- exclusive
- cities
- in
- the
- world.Sell
- Now!
- analyses
- the
- evidence
- and
- offers
- clear
- explanations
- of
- these
- perplexing
- issues.
- Overly
- aggressive
- mortgage
- lenders
- have
- fueled
- this
- overheated
- market
- by
- extending
- too
- much
- credit
- to
- home
- buyers
- and
- by
- offering
- ever-more
- exotic
- forms
- of
- mortgages.
- Many
- home
- buyers
- have
- been
- caught
- in
- a
- never-ending
- race
- to
- achieve
- status,
- often
- overpaying
- for
- homes
- in
- the
- "right"
- neighborhoods.
- And
- people's
- pursuit
- of
- easy
- profits
- has
- pushed
- prices
- to
- unsustainable
- levels.Finally,
- there
- is
- a
- reasoned
- analysis
- that
- not
- only
- explains
- how
- home
- prices
- got
- this
- high,
- but
- why
- they
- are
- sure
- to
- fall
- and
- by
- what
- amount.
- Sell
- Now!
- debunks
- many
- theories
- that
- purport
- to
- show
- that
- home
- prices
- are
- either
- reasonable
- or
- are
- sustainable
- at
- their
- high
- levels.How
- bad
- can
- it
- get?
- Unlike
- previous
- home-price
- declines,
- this
- cycle
- has
- the
- potential
- to
- be
- not
- only
- national,
- but
- international
- in
- scope.
- The
- national
- economy,
- so
- dependent
- on
- the
- housing,
- mortgage,
- real
- estate,
- banking,
- and
- construction
- industries
- for
- growth,
- is
- at
- risk
- and
- the
- entire
- banking
- system
- might
- come
- under
- fire.You
- owe
- it
- to
- yourself
- to
- become
- better
- informed
- about
- the
- possible
- impact
- on
- you,
- your
- family
- and
- your
- most
- important
- asset---your home.
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